make a halo 3 parody like *halo 79 where all the loose ends are tied up* cause u know they're gona make spinoffs theres no way their gona let it end at 3 with that much money coming in
make a halo 3 parody like *halo 79 where all the loose ends are tied up* cause u know they're gona make spinoffs theres no way their gona let it end at 3 with that much money coming in
sound still sucks
your sound is the only thing that makes it hard to get this i couldn't tell what the hippy was saying cause i couldn't hear it but i got some of it cause i used a pringles can to amplify the sound into my ear 9/10 just fix the sound and mix all the videos together to make it totaly awesome
on all 3 of these so far the sound is to quiet i hae to turn my speakers all the way up pull them as close as possible and nearly put my ear to it you need to talk louder or closer to the mike or get a better one if it just sucks and i agrea that they could all be put into one supper video and it would be alot funnier
sweet man
this video owns u got some nice fight sceens and music and stuff man
totaly not lame this movie is hilarious man anyone who plays runescape knows it's true and hillarious like theres 20 quests that give tiny exp but u have to be like lvl 40 to do yeah...
~~~~~the chat~~~~~
remember when runescape was fun...me neither
Joined on 7/27/07